Marijuana Anonymous Conference 2024

Volunteering Opportunities

Interested in volunteering during the Conference?

MA World Services has open service positions. Responsibilities throughout the Conference could be shared with others if you are unable to attend the entire Conference.

  • Time Keeper: Responsible for helping to time each speaker during agenda item discussions and maintain a separate timer to help the Conference to stay on schedule. (Zoom Timer App experience is suggested)
  • Back-up Meeting Minutes: This ideal candidate for this role would be a fast typist with experience as a DSC secretary or an equivalent role. (The Secretary Trustee will be scribe of the primary meeting minutes.)
  • Meeting Manager: Responsible for taking attendance of the Conference Body at the beginning of each session and after scheduled breaks. The Meeting Manager also helps to keep track of when someone has stepped away during Conference Sessions, includes maintaining the number of Voting Members currently in the room. (Google Sheets experience is suggested)

It is suggested that anyone interested in these service positions would not have an additional Conference role, such as Delegate.

To volunteer and learn more about these service roles contact [email protected]