Marijuana Anonymous Conference 2025

Delegate District Reports

Thank you for your service!! You have the unique opportunity to help shape the future of Marijuana Anonymous. Your participation is vital to unite and strengthen our fellowship. At the Conference, we join in service and inspire each other to enhance our ability to carry the message at the Meeting, District, and World Service levels of our organization.

Each District is encouraged to prepare and submit a written report in advance of the Conference. The questions provided below are meant to inspire discussions in meetings and at the District.

During the Conference Delegate Open Forum, we share responses to these questions, provide support to each other, and collaborate to help solve our common issues in pursuit of our primary purpose. These discussions help improve MA in your District and MA as a whole as we discuss and respond to the needs of the fellowship. We are grateful for your feedback; your District’s experience is a valuable resource to help direct the work of MA World Services.

Delegates may find it helpful to review the District Reports from prior years. Reading reports from the various Districts will provide ideas about what you may want to include. Reports should include a review of the preceding year’s efforts to carry the MA message, challenges, opportunities, and whatever else the members of the District feel that they want to share with the worldwide Fellowship. 

Please submit reports prior to the Conference, ideally by May 20th

Email the Conferences & Conventions Trustee with questions and to submit your report: [email protected]

Questions to respond to within your report:

  1. How is your District Service Committee structured? (Such as Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, etc)
  2. Please share any successes, concerns, or questions regarding District sub-committees (such as Hospitals & Institutions, Public Information, Literature, and Newcomer Support).  
  3. Does your District have any suggestions for ways to encourage and motivate members to be of service within the fellowship including sponsorship?
  4. What is your District’s view of how 7th Tradition funds should be utilized in service of our primary purpose?
  5. Are there any additional ideas and successes that your District / Group would like to share? 
  6. Please share any challenges you think MA is experiencing either locally or as a whole, and any ideas for solutions.

We invite your District and the Fellowship to consider:

Do you have any feedback for navigating the growth of in-person meetings, continued support of online meetings, and any hosting of hybrid meetings?

Please help the fellowship to ensure that your meeting listings are up-to-date and consider the following:

Are the meeting contacts current? This information is kept private and used by World Services and the Internet and Outreach Committees to communicate with groups.

  • Are your meeting’s attributes listed properly? (e.g. This year, the Meeting Finder has been updated to include the accessibility attribute of Closed Captions. For ease, we have created this guide to enable closed captions:
  • Should your meeting description be revised? The meeting description serves as an invitation to join the group and an opportunity to share the meeting’s qualities and uniqueness. 
  • If in-person, are there any location / venue details that would help attendees to find the meeting? Are there any landmarks, signage, or parking instructions? Additionally, sharing a public point of contact tends to improve attendance and also allows attendees to confirm the meeting is still occurring before driving to the location. 

Regular business meetings allow the opportunity for rotation of service, provide a space to facilitate group conscience decisions, and are a forum to share feedback in pursuit of our primary purpose. World Services has resources and procedure suggestions for hosting business meetings which can be found here:

  • Does the District /Group have any interest in conducting a “group inventory” and if so, would they like to have resources for that process?

In service of the fellowship, the Representation & Accessibility subcommittee has developed a safety handbook ( with language that can be adapted for meeting format and scripts for various purposes such as phone lists or WhatsApp groups. 

  • What does your group do to address safety concerns? Do you have safety committees / officers who members can bring their concerns to and make known who that is?