Thanks to all who participated in Session II of the 2024 Conference on January 11, 2025. We are grateful to share that all motions have been approved. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
The MA World Service Conference is the annual business meeting of Marijuana Anonymous. Members from around the world gather to discuss matters which affect Marijuana Anonymous as a whole and come to group conscience decisions as we consider how best to move forward as a fellowship. The Conference Body is comprised of Participating Observers, Delegates, Trustees, and Special Workers. The Conference also allows us to exist and continue as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, as required per our Bylaws.
MA World Services holds its annual Conference usually over the United States observed Memorial Day weekend in May. To increase transparency, participation, and in the spirit of unity, the Conference shall be held online by default to ensure accessibility for members throughout our worldwide fellowship.
What We Do At The Conference
- Consider and vote on motions made by individuals and committees for changes to our Bylaws, Literature, and Service Manual
- Set the actions and goals for the MA World Services Committees planting seeds for the future as we chart our course for the fellowship
- Approve the World Services budget for the upcoming fiscal year
- Induct new MA Districts
- Determine future Conventions Hosts
- Select members of the Conference Body to serve as Trustees on the Board of Directors
- Share information to serve our primary purpose to help the addict who still suffers, and may not have been born yet
The Benefits of Participating
You have the unique opportunity to help shape the future of Marijuana Anonymous. Your participation is vital to unite, grow, and strengthen our fellowship. At the Conference, we join in service, and inspire each other to foster growth at the Meeting, District, and World Service levels of our organization. We exchange ideas, provide support to each other, collaborate to help solve our common issues, and share experience, strength, and hope. The Conference binds all members to our common purpose. It is truly a gift to meet MA members whom we ordinarily may never have crossed paths with. We cannot do it alone.