Attendees: Getting to Know You Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name and Last Initial *Contact informationThis will be shared with the other Conference Attendees (optional)What is your home District/Region or Meeting? *What is your role during the 2024 Conference? *Participating ObserverDistrict DelegateDistrict Alternate DelegateTrusteeService VolunteerSpecial WorkerAs of May 24, 2024 will you have at least two (2) years of sobriety from marijuana and all mind-altering chemicals, including alcohol. *NoYesWithin the following fields avoid active campaigning by humbly sharing only the basics of your service history.Why did you choose to attend the Conference?Describe your Meeting Level ServiceExample: Secretary/Chair, GSR, Chips, Literature, Meeting Treasurer, etc.Describe your District Level ServiceExample: District Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, GSR, District Committee Chair, District Committee Member, etc.Describe your World Service Level ServiceExample: Conference Delegate, MAWS or ANLP Board Member, MAWS Committee Member. If you participated on a World Service committee, please identify which you served on.Skills relevant to service on the Board of TrusteesAlthough not required to be on the Board of Trustees, it would be useful to know if you have any of the following skills: accountant, lawyer, event planning, bookkeeping, non-profit management experience, or any other work or volunteer experience relevant to serving on the Board of Trustees (see for a description of each role on the Board of Trustees.) Is there any other service you have done in our Fellowship that you would like to mention?Example: Accountability partner, Sponsorship, etc.Submit